- July 4, 2019
- Posted by: itadmin
- Category: News Eng
Executives and team members of GEP (Myanmar) Co. Ltd. in cooperation with the three
founding organizations and chief investors in the project, namely; Scan Inter Plc. (SCN), East
Coast Furnitech Plc. (ECF) and META Corporation Plc. (META), engaged in the opening ceremony
of Minbu 220MWDC Solar Power Plant Phase 1 (50 MWDC) in the Republic of the Union of
Myanmar, which was honored by the presence of Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor of
Myanmar, serving as the official chair of the proceedings initiating along with the Minister of
Home Affairs, Deputy Minister of Electricity and Energy, Minister of Border Affairs, Minister of
Office of Union Government, and Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental
Conservation, Chief Minister of Magway Region.